Posted on June 20, 2024 by Mitzi CarrasquilloBeautiful “gift of love” baskets ready for any girl aged 8-18 years old 🌟 This beautiful Peach themed 🍑 “gift of love” basket is complete with body wash, hand soap, body lotion, hand cream, lip gloss, fingernail polish remover, emory boards, ice cream cone body sponge, journal notebook and, conditioner. 🍑 🍑 🍑 #LovedHealedandRestored #GiftofLovebaskets #dollartree #familydollar #walmart How pretty in pink this “gift of love” basket is complete with body wash, hand mirror, body lotion, cosmetic bag, emory boards, body sponge, journal notebook and, siguna pink perfume. 🩷🩷🩷🩷#GiftofLovebaskets #LovedHealedandRestored #FamilyDollar #walmart #dollartree #rainbowstore