April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, an annual observance for to raise awareness about sexual violence and educate individuals about preventing sexual harassment and assault. It is an excellent opportunity to never remain silent regarding
sexual harassment, sexual assault or domestic violence against others.
Please join the Loved, Healed and Restored LLC Team as we pledge to tirelessly serve in the community to help others.

“An abusers greatest weapon is FEAR. Keeping the victim silent, keeps the victim scared…” Iyanla Vanzant

THANK YOU Franklin Hill Housing!

When you wake up to texts stating, “I had a great day; I think I had more fun than the girls”

“This is a beautiful thing that you have going, I felt so refreshed after”

Praise God! Still relishing from the beautiful “Healing of the Hearts” event at Franklin Hill in Dorchester yesterday.

As always at each event, we plan for 25 girls, yesterday we blessed 17 girls with a “gift of love” basket and a free copy of my book, “In Jesus Name, Please Don’t Touch Me There”

So many to thank, of course starting with the girls. It was truly my honor that you and your parents took the time (during school vacation) to attend. I loved talking and sharing with each of you. Thank you for your honesty, your smiles and love. As you chose your basket and seeing you smile truly warmed my heart.

A special thank you to my sweetheart, husband “Mig’s Dogs” for sowing and serving all the girls, their family members and the Franklin Hill Board of Directors staff team.

Thank you to the Boys and Girls Club for allowing us to grace your space and Market Basket for feeding our face 😊 as always, the “Loved” cake was DELICIOUS!!

A heartfelt and gracious thank you to Sandra Young and Pam Hoyt for delivering the invites, contacting the girls and their parents, helping setup and cleanup.

Blessings to the Franklin Hill Board of Directors Team, Arlene Carr and Sandra Young for your donation to Loved, Healed and Restored LLC with the 3 beautiful baskets! I know our next stop will LOVE THEM!

To my lovely donors, A HUGE THANK YOU Abigail, Diana, Laura, The Lacerda Family, Jose, Rosie’s Place these events and many lives are changed simply because of you… God bless you and may you continue to be Loved, Healed and Restored ~

Franklin Field Housing Development’s Teen Center Event in Dorchester, Massachusetts

From the drive there to arrival, I was BEYOND EXCITED! The 13 girls were on time, arriving with their invite flyer in hand. If we weren’t social distancing I would have loved to hug each one of them. The pictures are somewhat socially distant as much as possible. Each girl absolutely loved their “gift of love” basket! I loved their love! I loved their surprise, quietness, excitement and thankfulness. I simply loved them for trusting in me and allowing me to bless them. Many thanks to my amazing husband Jose aka “Mig’s Dogs” for blessing each girl with a complimentary meal, Program Director, Joseph Robinson, Carmen, Leader of the Franklin Field Housing Teen Resource Center, Market Basket Grocery Store’s delicious cake and the many family and friends for the love, support and donations. God bless

Weekend Blessings!

  • From the beautiful mom who said “you just don’t know what you did for my daughter, I have to give you this money.” 💜
  • The grandma who forcefully and thankfully placed her tightly folded money in my hand. She refused to take my no for an answer. 💜
    Her granddaughter was screaming at the top of her lungs when I approached. Once she received her “Gift of Love” bag of “Frozen” goodies, the crying immediately ceased! Lol
  • The beautiful young lady after receiving her “Gift of Love” basket asked, “can me and my best friend help you one day?” 💜
  • Driving home with my Husband reminiscing about today, my beautiful sister Diana Carrasquillo-Cintron cashapp me with the message:
    “For special gift for girls in need” 💜

It’s during times like this, you see the beautiful humanity of others.

This past weekend the Loved, Healed and Restored Team sowed 31 “Gift of Love” baskets and bags to young girls (age 3 and up) in Roxbury and Dorchester, Massachusetts.
Many blessings to Save A Lot in Roxbury and Stop and Shop in Dorchester/Grove Hall.

During times like these, small acts of kindness truly have an impact.
The Loved, Healed and Restored LLC team is donating “Gift of Love” baskets to girls in Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury and Brockton, Massachusetts.
Do you have any upcoming community or holiday events?
If so, I would love to be a blessing at your event and support your young girls during this holiday season. 


Per the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, William Francis Galvin we are now Loved, Healed and Restored LLC!!! In ” Good Standing and Legal Existence” THANK YOU JESUS!!! 💜💜💜

Giving Back Tuesday!


Hope all is well. 
My name is Mitzi Carrasquillo, the founder of Loved, Healed and Restored LLC.

Our commitment:
To provide community engagement assisting girls embrace their voice, make safe decisions with the ability to say no, create boundaries and trust in their own feelings.
Our assignment is to provide girls (ages 8 and up) with a “gift of love” basket.

The baskets are complete with toiletries and/or school supplies (deodorant, lotion, soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc.).

I grew up in Dorchester, Massachusetts, the inner city of Boston. I now reside in Brockton, Massachusetts and love being a presence in my community to share and give back freely to others. 
We provide the baskets (free of charge) to girls in Dorchester, Roxbury, Mattapan and Brockton, Mass. 

Do you have any upcoming community or holiday events? If so, I would love to be a blessing at your event and support your girls during this holiday season. 

I would love to hear from you and discuss this exciting, rewarding opportunity.
Below is my contact information. Thank you in advance. 


Mitzi L. Carrasquillo 
Website: www.lovedhealedandrestored.com 
Email: Mitzicarrasquillo@gmail.com
Cell: 301.536.3662

~ Our Nation ~

Congratulations President Elect Joseph Biden Jr. And Madam Vice President Kamala Harris!
Well Deserved!!

LOVE our neighbor as we love ourselves”
“This is a time to HEAL in America”
“We must RESTORE the soul of America”
President Elect Joe Biden Jr.


I do hope you and your family are well! Thanks so much for your contribution to help Loved, Healed and Restored purchase Gift of Love bags and baskets for our community of girls (complete with toiletries and/or school supplies, i.e. deodorant, lotion, soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc.).

Although your contribution is not tax deductible, the Loved, Healed and Restored Team are truly appreciative for your community support. Thank you again for your giving!

#Givingback #LoveGiftBaskets
#Collaboration #Dorchester #Mattapan #Roxbury #Brockton