“Keeping it Moving to a Better YOU” Workshop at Mattapan Public Library!

Please join us at the Mattapan Public Library on Wednesday, February 12th

πŸ“Œ 1350 Blue Hill Avenue, Mattapan, MA
πŸ“… Wednesday, February 12th
⏰️ 4 pm to 5:30 pm

Our FREE workshop presentation, “Keeping it Moving to a Better YOU” discussion topics include Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention, Self-esteem, Self-confidence and Self-love information.

✨️ This event is for girls only ages 8-18. Maximum of 20 girls. ✨️

RSVP: Mitzi Carrasquillo 301.536.3662

#keepingitmovingtoabetteryou #lovedhealedandrestoredllc
#SexualAssaultAwareness #hope #Selfesteem #Selfconfidence #Selflove #Boston #Mattapan #Massachusetts #FreeEvent #CommunityEvent #MattapanPublicLibrary

“Buy For Your Love” Vendor Event

Please join Loved, Healed and Restored LLC on Saturday, February 8th at the following location:

πŸ’œ “Buy For Your Love” Vendor Event

πŸ“Œ Washington Park Mall, Roxbury, MA

πŸ“… Saturday, February 8th

⏰️ 9 am – 5 pm

🌟 Our mission is “to encourage and empower others that there is recovery after every storm”

#lovedhealedandrestoredllc #RoxburyMA #washingtonparkmall

2024 Year in Review ~

Blessings Loved, Healed and Restored family, I’m reflecting on the beautiful faces, smiles and hugs. Look at what God has done! This is simply precious. πŸ’œ

✨️ Loved, Healed and Restored family, we sowed 235 “Gift of Love” baskets and 37 Mug Gifts (totaling 272) to girls, young ladies, women and some boys! πŸ™ƒJust let that sink in… There were all types of concepts, flats, baskets, mugs, bowls, tote bags, boxes and even purses. We just about doubled our 2023 sowing of 138 “gift of love” baskets! AMAZING!

✨️ Sending a HEARTFELT THANK YOU to the WONDERFUL GIVERS THAT MADE THIS POSSIBLE! πŸ’œβœ¨οΈ Whether you supported us in prayer, or blessed Loved, Healed and Restored sponsoring the girls in memory of a loved one, donated toiletries, school supplies, jewelry, clothing, snacks or resources for the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention information packets, THANK YOU! πŸ’œ

God bless you and let’s go 2025, please be safe. πŸ™ #lovedhealedandrestoredllc www.lovedhealedandrestored.com

Many thanks to the Georgetowne Homes Community!

Many thanks to Georgetowne Homes for having us yesterday! The girls appeared to really appreciate it and so did we! Everything turned out really good!!!
We can’t wait to serve at your next event. Thank you again for having us!

Leslie Guity and Mitzi Carrasquillo, “Keeping it Moving to a Better YOU” Presenters
#keepingitmovingtoabetteryou #lovedhealedandrestoredllc #OrangesticityLLC
#SexualAssaultAwareness #hope #Selfesteem #Selfconfidence #Selflove #Boston #Massachusetts #FreeEvent #CommunityEvent

Brunchin’ with Santa event!

Myesha, Bessie and team you really outdid yourself! What a gorgeous event yesterday!
That was not just “Brunchin’ with Santa”, that was a true act of love for others and your community.
Your heart of love showed immensely and it could easily be seen.
You should be extremely proud of such a beautiful event! The community really appreciated it. The decorations, food, gifts, hospitality, volunteers, DJ, vendors and of course Santa was amazing! ✨️
Thank you for having Loved, Healed and Restored as always, I’m honored to be in your presence. πŸ’œ

Sponsorship for 25 girls!

Loved, Healed and Restored LLC will be closing out this year with a beautiful, purposeful sponsorship to 25 girls with “gift of love” baskets/bags. To make it simpler for me to carry (and them), πŸ™ƒ
I purchased these cute plastic bags and bows from Amazon, here’s a few I’ve completed so far.
All of the items are from Dollartree; complete with mugs, body wash, body sponges, cosmetic bags, socks, hand cream, journal notebooks, pens, emory boards and fingernail polish. ✨️

#LovedHealedandRestored #giftoflovebaskets #giftbaskets #dollartree #Amazon #Sponsorship

Great day at Parkway Community YMCA!

Great day at Parkway Community YMCA Event (10/19/24) West Roxbury, MA

✨️ Enjoyed these beautiful doubledutch Queens! Just look at those gorgeous smiles!I even got my doubledutch on! Lol! Thank God no video! Lol!πŸ’œ

Essence of Diamond and Pearls Youth Group were so excited for their “gift of love” bags! I’m looking forward to working with you soon!

Many thanks to your phenomenal leader, Achantel Thornton, Youth Group Founder. Keep up the amazing work!

#LovedHealedandRestored#parkwaycommunityymca #westroxburyma

Essence of Diamond and Pearls Youth Group, Dynamic Team of Founder, Achantel Thornton, Mattapan, MA

Fright Night at Parkway Community YMCA!


Please join Mig’s Dogs LLC and Loved, Healed and Restored LLC on Saturday, October 19th at the following location:

🌭 Parkway Community YMCA

πŸ“Œ 1972 Centre Street, West Roxbury, MA

πŸ“… Saturday, October 19th

⏰️ 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm

#migsdogs #HotdogVendor #LetMigCater2U Let Mig Cater 2 U #migsdogs #lovedhealedandrestored #WestRoxbury #ParkwayCommunityYMCA #Kidfriendly #dogfriendly

Thank you Brockton Farmers Market!

✨️ What an amazing time at Brockton Farmers Market! We met so many beautiful spirits while donating 15 “gift of love” baskets and bags to girls and women. The pajama gift bags for women (sizes XL to 3X) were a HIT to our Brockton Community! Thank you for having me. Hope to serve you again! ✨️ #LovedHealedandRestored #giftoflovebaskets #givingback
#BrocktonFarmersMarket #migsdogs